Houston Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

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Experienced Motorcycle Injury Attorneys Serving Clients Throughout Texas & Nationwide

Riding a motorcycle is more than a way to get from point A to point B. For many riders, it is a lifestyle of fresh air and freedom. Unfortunately, many motorcyclists suffer serious injury as a result of other drivers’ carelessness.

The risk of catastrophic injuries in a motorcycle accident is very high, and the impact on your life can be permanent. If you have been hurt in a motorcycle wreck, Patrick Daniel Law is here to help.

Our Texas motorcycle accident attorneys have the experience and the tenacity to pursue the just compensation you deserve for your injuries. For a FREE consultation, please call (713) 999-6666 or contact us online today. Patrick Daniel Law serves clients throughout the greater Houston area and other parts of Texas.

motorcycle accident attorney houston

Should I Get a Houston Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

Although motorcycles make up a relatively small segment of the number of vehicles on the road, motorcyclists suffer a disproportionately high rate of accident injuries and fatalities. If you are injured in any type of motor vehicle accident, it is in your best interest to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. Legal representation for victims of motorcycle accidents is especially important for several reasons:

  • The high likelihood of serious injury
  • The extent of damages in most motorcycle accident claims
  • The prevalence of single-vehicle accidents involving motorcycles (i.e., crashes where the motorcyclist is forced off the road or falls off the bike without colliding with another vehicle)
  • The unfair image of motorcycle riders as risk-takers

With everything at stake after a motorcycle accident – your health and well-being, your finances, your quality of life, and more – you need experienced legal counsel on your side. Our attorneys can investigate the accident, calculate the damages in your case, and build a strong claim on your behalf.

Meet Houston Personal Injury Lawyer Patrick Daniel Law.

How Common Are Motorcycle Accidents?

The Texas Department of Transportation reported a total of 8,173 motorcycle accidents in 2020 (the most recent year of data). In these crashes:

  • 482 motorcyclists and passengers lost their lives
    • Nearly half of those killed were not wearing helmets at the time
  • 1,856 motorcyclists and passengers sustained serious injuries
  • 2,687 motorcyclists and passengers sustained non-incapacitating injuries
  • 1,704 motorcyclists and passengers suffered possible injuries
  • Less than 15% of motorcyclists and passengers were uninjured in accidents

Motorcyclists represent a fairly small portion of total road users. In the event of an accident, however, they suffer a disproportionately high rate of serious injuries and death. National statistics collected by the Insurance Information Institute show that the accident fatality rate is an astonishing six times higher for motorcyclists than it is for the occupants of passenger vehicles.


How Can I Protect My Rights After a Motorcycle Accident?

With serious injuries the rule rather than the exception in motorcycle wrecks, it is often not possible for riders to collect evidence at the scene. As you recover from the crash, then, it is crucial to take steps to preserve your motorcycle accident claim:

1. Make Medical Treatment a Priority

The first step after a motorcycle accident is to get all necessary medical care. Follow all medical advice and be sure to attend any followup appointments with your doctor, specialists, physical therapists, etc.

Diligently abiding by your doctor’s recommendations is the best way to facilitate your recovery. In addition, it gives the at-fault driver’s insurance company less room to argue that your injuries are not as serious as you claim or that you exacerbated your injuries through your own inaction.

2. Be Careful of Insurance Companies

Next, you need to exercise caution when dealing with insurance companies – even your own. Although you are obligated to report the motorcycle accident to your insurer in a timely fashion, you do not have to make a statement to an adjuster.

If an adjuster from the other driver’s insurance company tries to contact you, you should decline to answer any questions and speak to a motorcycle accident attorney as soon as possible. Making a recorded statement and/or signing a medical records release can undermine your claim.

3. Get a Copy of the Police Report

The police officer will typically try to interview the parties involved in the accident at the scene. If you are transported to the hospital, however, the officer will take your statement as soon as you are able to answer questions.

Once the accident report is complete, it is crucial to obtain a copy. The report will include a number of key details about the motorcycle accident, including:

  • The location of the accident
  • The date and approximate time of the crash
  • Lighting, weather, and road conditions
  • The name(s) of the driver(s) involved
  • Year, make, and model of the vehicles involved
  • License plate numbers for each vehicle
  • Statements from those involved in the accident
  • Witness statements
  • A drawn diagram of the accident
  • Citations and arrests (if applicable)
  • Preliminary conclusions concerning fault

If you were unable to collect information at the scene of the accident, the police report can fill in many of the blanks. Houston motorcycle accident lawyer Patrick Daniel can determine who investigated the crash and get a copy of the police report on your behalf.

4. Hire an Attorney

The importance of retaining a lawyer after a motorcycle accident really can’t be stressed enough. Without legal representation, you are at a significant disadvantage. However, with an experienced attorney on your side, you can rest assured that your rights will be protected.

Key aspects of your claim that a motorcycle accident lawyer can handle on your behalf include:

  • Investigating the accident to determine how it happened
  • Determining who is at fault
  • Collecting evidence and interviewing witnesses
  • Hiring experts to aid in accident reconstruction, assessment of your injuries, etc.
  • Accounting for all damages you have sustained as a result of the motorcycle accident
  • Negotiating a settlement with the insurance company
  • If necessary, filing a lawsuit and taking your case to trial

Not all attorneys take cases to trial. However, with the damages on the line and the liability disputes that arise in a typical motorcycle accident case, it is essential to have a proven trial lawyer on your side.
Patrick Daniel Law is Strategic, Meticulous, and Merciless. We prepare every case as though it will go to trial, developing innovative, individualized legal strategies designed to achieve maximum compensation on each client’s behalf.

Common Injuries in a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcyclists are afforded significantly less protection than the drivers and passengers of other motor vehicles. Even if you wear a helmet, heavy jacket, and other protective gear, you may still suffer significant injuries in an accident.

Some of the most common serious injuries riders suffer in motorcycle crashes include:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Bone fractures
  • “Road rash” (severe abrasions to the skin)
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Degloving injuries (where skin and blood cells are torn away, leaving underlying tissue exposed)
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Burn injuries
  • Amputation of limbs

In addition to being more likely to suffer injuries in an accident, motorcyclists are also at a higher risk of fatalities. Even at relatively slow speeds, the outcome of a collision can be fatal.

Does Health Insurance Cover Motorcycle Accident Injuries?

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, the treatment you receive may be covered by your medical insurance. Health insurance coverage should defray at least some of the costs associated with emergency room care, diagnostic and imaging services, hospitalization, surgery, prescription medications, therapies, and more.

As with any time you visit the doctor, however, you will likely end up paying some expenses out of pocket, including copays and deductible. In addition, you may be responsible for paying some or all of the care you receive for out-of-network services and for services that are not covered by your health insurance policy.

Given the financial pressure posed by the aftermath of a motorcycle accident, you might be tempted to forgo certain medical treatments due to the associated cost. However, your health should be your number-one priority.

Following your doctors’ orders and getting the treatment you need results in a higher likelihood of recovery from your injuries. Our Texas motorcycle accident attorneys can pursue compensation for all of the medical bills you have incurred, including deductibles, copays, and out-of-pocket expenses.

texas motorcycle accident lawyer

Can You Get PTSD from a Motorcycle Accident?

In addition to the high likelihood of physical injuries, motorcycle accidents can also result in psychological trauma. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one serious mental health disturbance that injured motorcyclists may suffer after an accident. 

PTSD after a motorcycle accident may be characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Flashbacks in which victims “relive” the accident
  • Intrusive thoughts and memories of the accident
  • Hypervigilance (elevated alertness and anticipation of danger)
  • Extreme fear response
  • Depression
  • Withdrawal from family, friends, and everyday life
  • Difficulty with concentration
  • Recurring nightmares

The symptoms of PTSD are not confined to issues affecting psychological health. Victims of motorcycle accidents and other events resulting in PTSD may have trouble sleeping, abuse alcohol or drugs, exhibit aggressive behavior, become reckless or impulsive, and more.

If you have been in a Houston motorcycle accident, it is crucial to see to your mental health as well as your physical health. A mental health professional can help you work through issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more.

Does Motorcycle Insurance Cover Medical Bills?

Motorcyclists in Texas are required to carry the same insurance as the drivers of other motor vehicles. The minimum requirements for Texas motorcycle insurance are:

  • $30,000 bodily injury liability coverage per person
  • $60,000 bodily injury liability coverage per accident
  • $25,000 property damage liability coverage

These insurance coverages pay for bodily injury and property damage if you cause an accident. If you only have the minimum coverage, your motorcycle insurance will unfortunately not cover your medical bills and other losses.

You may have access to benefits covering medical expenses if you purchase insurance coverage beyond the mandatory minimum. For example, medical payments insurance (also known as MedPay) is an optional policy that covers expenses associated with medical treatment for you and your insureds in the event of an accident.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Motorcycle Accident?

There is no standard time frame for how long the injuries from a motorcycle accident take to heal. A common motorcycle accident injury like road rash generally gets better after several weeks. Recovery from a broken bone, meanwhile, can take as little as 6 weeks or as long as 5 months depending on the location of the fracture, the stresses involved, and the severity of the break (among other factors).

Ultimately, a number of different factors can impact the length (or the possibility) of recovery. These include:

  • The type of injuries you have sustained
  • How serious the injuries are
  • Whether you received prompt medical attention
  • The treatment options and the success thereof
  • Your health and lifestyle before the accident
  • Your adherence to medical advice and the rehabilitation regimen

Unfortunately, some common motorcycle accident injuries (such as damage to the brain or spinal cord) may be permanent. Motorcycle accident attorney Patrick Daniel will work with your doctors and other medical experts to gain a complete understanding of the seriousness of your injuries and your prognosis. Whether you make a full recovery or the effects are irreversible, Patrick Daniel Law will pursue the compensation you deserve.

What to Do After a Houston Motorcycle Accident

The first thing you should do after the accident is call 911 if you are able. If you are seriously injured, try not to move and get the at-fault driver or a bystander to make the call. Rescue personnel will assess your injuries and, in most cases, will transport you to the hospital for emergency treatment.

In the event that you are treated at the scene and released, however, there are several steps you can take to begin building your motorcycle accident claim.

Step #1: Give a Statement to the Police Officer

In Texas, the police must be called to any accident scene involving over $1,000 in property damage or where an injury or death occurred. When an officer arrives to take your statement, give him or her a full, honest account of what happened without admitting fault.

The police report will be important to build your motorcycle accident claim. After giving your statement to the officer, be sure to get his or her name, badge number, and precinct, and ask how and when you can get a copy of the report.

Step #2: Exchange Information with the Driver

Whether you take notes or pictures of the documents with your phone, you will need to gather the following information:

  • The name, address, and driver license number for all drivers involved in the accident
  • Phone numbers and other contact information for those involved
  • The policy number and name of each driver’s insurance carrier
  • The license plate numbers for all vehicles

Gathering this information at the scene will make it easier to initiate legal proceedings against the at-fault driver.

Step #3: Speak to Witnesses

If any bystanders saw what happened, ask them if they can share their account of the accident. Specifically, you will want to ask:

  • What they saw
  • Their name
  • Their contact information

Third-party testimony is useful whether it reflects favorably on your case or not. If the witness says you weren’t in the wrong, that strengthens your claim. If a witness asserts that you contributed to the accident, that helps us prepare for defense arguments that you are partially liable.

Step #4: Take Photos of the Accident Scene

After a motorcycle accident, insurance companies will dispatch accident investigators to the scene as soon as possible. These investigators will take pictures and make extensive notes, but they aren’t doing it to help you – they are doing it to protect their employer.

Use the camera on your smartphone to take photos of anything you think might be relevant should you decide to pursue a claim. This may include the damage to your bike and the other vehicle, the injuries you sustained, signs of the accident on the road (i.e., skidmarks, damaged guardrails, etc.), and more.

Step #5: Seek Medical Attention ASAP

Once you are ready to leave the scene of the accident, your first stop should be the emergency department or your doctor’s office for a thorough evaluation. Paramedics are trained to identify serious injuries and render aid on-site, but they aren’t doctors and they don’t have access to the resources that enable them to assess the full scope of your injuries.

Timely medical care after a motorcycle accident is important for two major reasons:

  1. Injuries like a concussion may have minimal presentation at the crash site but can become more severe without intervention
  2. If you don’t receive timely care and later file a claim, the defense will seize upon the delay to question the seriousness of your injuries

Seeing a doctor or going to the emergency room as soon as possible after a motorcycle accident will create a record of the injuries you have suffered. Your medical records, as well as the bills associated with them, will be a key component in determining how much compensation you may be entitled to for your injuries.

Step #6: Contact a Houston Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

The insurance companies start building their defense right away after the accident. As the victim, it is in your best interest to start building a strong offense as soon as possible. You should certainly speak to a motorcycle accident attorney before you say one word to an insurance adjuster.

Contact Patrick Daniel Law today for a free evaluation of your case.

Patrick Daniel Law takes aggressive action on behalf of clients in motorcycle accident cases. We protect your right to compensation, and our motorcycle accident lawyers aren’t afraid to go to trial if that is the best way to achieve the outcome you deserve.

houston motorcycle accident lawyer

How Motorcycle Accident Claims Work

Most people assume that you have to bring a lawsuit immediately after an accident. In reality, however, you may not need to file suit at all.

Negotiating a Motorcycle Accident Settlement

Once the liable party or parties are identified, the next step is to bring a claim against the applicable insurance company (or companies). The claim consists of a letter outlining the circumstances of the accident, how the insured is at fault, and the compensation being sought.

After receiving the claim, the insurance carrier may offer to settle the case. This will almost certainly be less than the damages you demand, but it could serve as a starting point for settlement negotiations.

Negotiating a fair settlement takes time – potentially months or even more than a year. Throughout the negotiations, your attorney will advocate for your interests and seek a favorable outcome.

If a settlement is reached in your motorcycle accident claim, no further legal action is required. You will not be able to pursue additional compensation once you settle, so it is crucial to discuss the decision with your lawyer to ensure that the settlement will adequately cover your current losses and provide you with the financial resources you need for the future.

Suing After a Motorcycle Accident

Alternatively, the insurance company might refuse to settle or offer much less than your case is worth. If either of these scenarios comes to pass, it may be necessary to file a lawsuit.

Though anybody can file a lawsuit, it is in your best interest to have a lawyer handle the process for you. A knowledgeable attorney will know in what court the case needs to be submitted, the procedures involved, etc. The court will schedule a date for your case to be heard.

Taking a Motorcycle Accident Case to Trial

Pre-trial proceedings consist of a series of requests, motions, and responses. The attorneys for both sides will also request and exchange pertinent information (a process known as discovery).

Trial preparation is complicated and time-consuming. Although your motorcycle accident attorney will handle the complexities on your behalf, you should feel involved and heard at every step.

Settlement is still possible after you file suit and before the case goes to trial. If an agreement is not reached, however, your lawyer will present your case in court.

An award at trial may exceed the compensation you originally sought. However, going to court also comes with uncertainty. An experienced trial lawyer will provide you with honest advice on the likelihood of success and, perhaps more importantly, fight hard for a favorable result.

What If I Am Blamed for the Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycle riders are frequently portrayed as reckless daredevils. This stereotype makes it extremely difficult for motorcyclists to get a fair shake when they are involved in an accident.

Drivers, insurance companies, and even the police tend to assign blame for motorcycle accidents to the rider. Unfortunately, the prevalence of serious injuries and fatalities in crashes makes it difficult for motorcyclists to defend themselves.

If you are blamed for a motorcycle accident, you need to present compelling evidence to the contrary. The best way to do this is to hire a Houston motorcycle accident lawyer promptly. You also need to be aware of state and local laws and abide by them to show that you are a responsible rider. 

What If I Wasn’t Wearing a Helmet When the Motorcycle Accident Occurred?

Riders who are 21 and older and hold the appropriate certification and/or insurance coverage are not required by Texas law to wear a motorcycle helmet. As such, not wearing a helmet doesn’t automatically constitute negligence.

However, the connection between wearing a motorcycle helmet and the reduced risk of head and brain injuries is well-established. If you sustain a head injury in a motorcycle accident and you weren’t wearing a helmet, you may be considered partially responsible and your damages could be reduced.

Helmets are required by law for all motorcyclists under the age of 21. Your ability to recover compensation could be significantly affected if you violate the helmet law and end up in a motorcycle accident.

Can Motorcycles Split Lanes in Texas?

Texas traffic law requires all vehicles (including motorcycles) to travel within marked lanes. Although not explicitly banned, this effectively makes lane splitting illegal.

Lane splitting carries a high risk of collision. Motorcycles are smaller than cars, and a driver might pull in front of your bike without realizing that you are riding in between lanes.

Because of the restrictions on lane splitting, you will likely be found at fault if an accident occurs. To reduce your risk of an accident and avoid liability, then, it is worth staying in your lane.

Can I Sue Someone for Making Me Crash My Motorcycle?

Many motorcycle accidents are single-vehicle crashes. This commonly occurs because the rider is forced off the road or swerves to avoid a collision or other potential hazard.

If there is no crash with another vehicle, you might think you are unable to bring a claim. This is not the case. You need to prove that the other driver was negligent (i.e., he was speeding, distracted, etc.) and that this negligence caused you to crash.

Proving that someone else was at fault for a single-vehicle accident can be very difficult. A Texas motorcycle accident attorney will investigate the scene, interview witnesses, and take additional steps on your behalf to find the liable party and pursue the compensation you deserve.

Houston Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyer

How Can I Avoid a Motorcycle Accident?

Every driver’s ed class focuses on the importance of defensive driving. Similarly, motorcyclists must also be aware of the importance of defensive riding.

Some of the steps you can take to avoid motorcycle accidents include:

  1. Leave plenty of room between your bike and other vehicles: Following another vehicle too closely is a leading cause of accidents. In addition to keeping a safe distance between your bike and the car in front of you, watch the vehicles on both sides and try to stay within the center of your lane.
  2. Watch for vehicles turning left: Intersections are among the most dangerous areas for motorcyclists. When drivers turn left, they may fail to see oncoming motorcycles. As you approach an intersection, watch the driver or drivers in the opposite lane for signs that they might turn in front of you.
  3. Check your speed: Speeding is another leading cause of motorcycle accidents. Although you cannot control the speed at which other drivers travel, you can modify your own speed to stay within the limit and reduce the likelihood of a wreck.
  4. Watch the weather: Motorcycles are significantly more vulnerable to crashes caused by inclement weather than other types of vehicles. Parts of Texas are no stranger to heavy rain and wind, so be sure to check the forecast before you hit the road.
  5. Don’t split lanes: Lane splitting – the practice of riding in between lanes of traffic – is illegal in Texas. Motorcyclists who engage in lane splitting can suffer injury if a driver changes lanes in front of them. For your safety and to keep within the law, it is crucial to stay in one lane wherever you ride.
  6. Avoid alcohol: Drinking negatively impacts hand-eye coordination, decision making, and other key aspects of driving or operating a motorcycle safely. Never drink alcohol and get on your bike.
  7. Use caution when turning: Taking a corner too fast can cause you to lose control of your motorcycle. As you round a curve, reduce your speed and watch for potential hazards.
  8. Maintain your bike: One of the best ways to avoid an accident is to keep your motorcycle in safe working order. Perform necessary maintenance and repairs and check the tires, brakes, and fluids regularly.
  9. Wear the right safety gear: A helmet, motorcycle jacket, and other equipment can reduce your risk of injury in the event of an accident. It is in your best interest to gear up before every ride.
  10. Enhance your visibility: Texas law requires motorcycles to be fitted with at least one headlamp, taillamp, and rear reflector. You can also improve your visibility to other drivers at night by wearing light-colored clothing and/or reflective materials.

Unfortunately, accidents may still happen despite your best efforts to stay safe. If you are in a motorcycle accident, there are several steps you can take.

Compensation in Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

Given the likelihood of catastrophic injuries in a motorcycle accident and the expenses associated with treating those injuries, damages in these cases tend to be high. If you are not at fault for the crash, you shouldn’t have to shoulder a single dollar of the financial burden on your own.

After evaluating your claim, our motorcycle accident lawyers will pursue the full recovery you deserve. You may be entitled to compensation for:

  • The cost of medical treatment
  • Anticipated expenses for future medical care and therapy
  • The earnings you lost while you couldn’t work after the accident
  • Loss of future income if your injuries prevent you from going back to your job
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional anguish
  • Costs for special circumstances, such as modifications to your home and vehicle, home healthcare and other professionals, etc.

Punitive damages, or compensation awarded to you as a means of punishing or making an example of the defendant, may also be available in your case. In Texas, punitive damages are generally restricted to claims in which the defendant willfully caused harm or where the negligence was extreme.

What Should I Expect from the Insurance Adjuster?

You are legally required to report the motorcycle accident to your insurance company. If an adjuster from the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier tries to contact you, however, you should limit communications as much as possible.

Insurance adjusters are trained to reduce the amount of compensation their employer has to pay out for accident claims. Although the adjuster may seem friendly, he or she does not have your best interest in mind.

Some of the tactics an insurance adjuster may use against you include:

  • Offering you a small settlement and claiming it is “the best they can do.”
  • Asking leading questions in an effort to get you to admit fault or say things against your interest.
  • Requesting a recorded statement (which the insurance company will scrutinize and later use against you).
  • Asking you to sign a medical release.

By engaging with the adjuster or giving in to these tactics, you run the risk of devaluing your motorcycle accident claim or forfeiting the right to compensation altogether. Many claimants fall into the trap of accepting a settlement that doesn’t fully cover their losses or saying something that the insurance company can use to justify denying or underpaying a claim.

Instead of trying to work with the insurance company yourself, it is in your best interest to contact an attorney as soon as possible. The Texas motorcycle accident attorneys at Patrick Daniel Law can handle communications with the insurer on your behalf and pursue fair compensation for your losses.

What Is the Average Payout for a Motorcycle Accident?

The compensation you may be entitled to after a motorcycle accident will depend on the type and extent of the damages you and your family sustain. Although you may find varying statistics for “average” verdicts and settlements after a motorcycle accident (or even free online tools that claim to tell you “how much your case is worth”), it is important not to believe everything you read.

Ultimately, the specific details of your case will determine how much you may be able to recover. Some of the factors that may affect the value of your claim include:

  • The severity of your injuries
  • The monetary value of your economic and non-economic losses
  • The insurance coverage held by the parties in the case
  • Whether your case settles or goes to court (insurance settlement payouts are typically lower than verdicts awarded at trial)
  • The conduct of the at-fault party or parties (courts will only award punitive damages if you can prove extreme recklessness or malice on the part of the defendant(s))
  • Issues of comparative fault

Another factor that can impact your motorcycle accident payout or trial result is the decision to retain a lawyer. Claimants who hire an attorney typically recover much more in compensation than those who try to handle the claim on their own.

Wrongful Death Compensation in Motorcycle Accident Cases

If you lose a loved one in a motorcycle accident where another party was at fault, your family can recover damages in a wrongful death lawsuit. In Texas, spouses, children, and parents of the deceased rider are entitled to compensation for:

  • The loss of income and other financial support the deceased would otherwise have provided
  • Expenses for funeral, burial, and cremation
  • Emotional distress
  • Lost care, affection, and guidance (loss of consortium)

By filing a survivor action, you may also be entitled to damages for the medical costs incurred before your loved one passed away, as well as his or her pain and suffering.

houston motorcycle accident lawyer

What Is the Most Common Cause of Motorcycle Accidents?

Attorneys at Patrick Daniel Law have tried motorcycle accident claims arising from a number of different circumstances. In most instances, the fault rests with the driver whose negligence behind the wheel of a car or other motor vehicle causes the accident.

The most common causes of motorcycle accidents resulting from another driver’s error include:

  • Distracted driving, such as texting, talking on the phone, etc.
  • Drunk driving
  • Speeding
  • Following too closely
  • Failure to yield
  • Failure to check blindspots
  • Failure to check oncoming traffic in an intersection when making a left turn
  • Dooring, or opening a car door into traffic as a motorcycle passes the vehicle

Not all motorcycle accidents involve actual collisions with another vehicle. In some cases, riders may avoid getting struck by the vehicle only to crash their bikes in the course of taking evasive action. In other instances, the wreck may not involve another vehicle all.

Near-Miss Accidents

With a near-miss, either the motorcyclist takes evasive action to avoid the collision or the other driver makes a last-second adjustment. The driver of the car may be able to regain control and continue traveling as normal, but this isn’t always the case for the motorcyclist.

Riders in a near-miss may crash because:

  • The bike slides out from under them
  • They don’t have time to brake
  • They are hurtled over the handlebars
  • They are run off the road

Any one of these single-vehicle accidents can lead to serious injuries. In addition, it puts the motorcyclist at risk of being struck by other nearby vehicles.

Defective Motorcycle Accidents

Some accidents are the result of negligence on the part of the manufacturer of your motorcycle. Any number of different parts can fail due to a defect, including:

  • The fuel tank
  • Tires
  • Brakes
  • The frame of the bike
  • The handlebars
  • The headlight

If the defect resulted in an accident, the motorcycle accident attorneys at Patrick Daniel Law can pursue compensation on your behalf from the company that manufactured the part. Our team is well-equipped to take on multi-billion-dollar corporations in pursuit of the recovery you deserve in your case.

Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Unsafe Roads

Another major cause of single-vehicle accidents involving motorcycles is negligent road design and maintenance. Although potholes, cracks in the pavement, missing or damaged guardrails, and other hazards pose a risk to all vehicles, motorcycles tend to be at the highest risk of a crash from these factors.

Fault for the accident may lie with the government agency responsible for designing and keeping the road in safe condition, or the liable party could be the construction company or a subcontractor that failed to build the road properly – or a combination of these and other parties.

Our lawyers will investigate the accident to determine who is responsible. Then, we will pursue the compensation you deserve from all of the parties whose negligence caused you to crash.

Who Is Liable for Motorcycle Accidents?

One or more parties may be at fault for a motorcycle accident. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to file claims against:

  • A driver: Most motorcycle accident claims center on collisions between a motorcyclist and a passenger vehicle. If the driver was negligent, you may be entitled to damages.
  • A business: From big rigs to buses, commercial vehicle accidents can take a variety of forms in the Houston area. The company that hires a commercial driver may be liable if an employee causes an accident while on the clock.
  • A vehicle or parts manufacturer: Prominent defective product claims frequently stem from accidents caused by faulty vehicles and parts. Multiple parties in the chain of distribution may be liable for defective design or manufacturing of your motorcycle or a component part on the bike.
  • A bar, restaurant, or other establishment serving alcohol: If the driver who caused the accident was impaired, you may be able to recover compensation through a dram shop law claim against the establishment that over-served the customer.
  • A government entity: All vehicles are adversely affected by roads that are poorly designed and maintained. However, motorcycles are particularly vulnerable to unsafe roads. You may have a claim against the state or local government responsible for the road if hazardous conditions caused you to crash.

Identifying the at-fault party or parties in a motorcycle accident claim can be difficult. The attorneys at Patrick Daniel Law will conduct a thorough investigation of what caused the accident to determine who is liable.

What Is the Motorcycle Helmet Law in Texas?

Not all motorcyclists in Texas are legally required to wear helmets. All riders under the age of 21 must wear a helmet. However, motorcyclists who are at least 21 years old can ride without a helmet if they (i) have completed an approved safety course for motorcycle operators or (ii) can provide proof of a minimum $10,000 in medical insurance.

Wearing a helmet is one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself in the event of a motorcycle accident. However, if you were not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident, this does not necessarily preclude you from recovering compensation (provided you follow the legal requirements outlined above).

That said, if it is determined that wearing a helmet may have prevented or relieved the seriousness of the injuries you sustained, you may be able to recover less in damages under the rule of comparative negligence.

How Does Comparative Negligence Affect My Motorcycle Accident Claim?

It is not uncommon for motorists to dispute who is at fault for an accident. Unfortunately, motorcyclists get the blame far too often – frequently when they are the victim of a driver’s negligence.

Riders of motorcycles often face the stereotype that they are careless or overly aggressive on the road. In reality, however, more motorcycle accidents are the result of negligence on the driver’s part than errors made by motorcyclists.

Even still, the at-fault drivers in motorcycle accidents frequently claim that the rider contributed to or is even wholly responsible for the crash. Liable insurance companies may use allegations of comparative negligence to justify a lower payout or even deny your accident claim.

You may still be able to recover damages in a motorcycle accident claim if you are found partially at fault. The Texas comparative negligence law allows parties that are partially at fault to recover compensation so long as they are no more than 50 percent responsible for the accident. Damages are reduced in proportion to the percentage of fault.

However, if the other driver was totally at fault for the accident, you should not have to be forced to settle for less. An experienced Houston motorcycle accident lawyer at Patrick Daniel Law can advocate for the compensation you deserve and contest accusations of contributory negligence on your part.

houston motorcycle accident lawyer

How Long Do I Have to Bring a Motorcycle Accident Claim?

If you were injured or your loved one was killed in a motorcycle accident in Texas, you have 2 years to bring a claim. This time limit applies to actions against private individuals (such as the driver of another vehicle), commercial businesses and establishments, and the makers of defective products.

However, if a government entity is responsible for the motorcycle accident (e.g., the crash occurred due to the negligence of a public employee or a dangerous road that the government failed to maintain), the time limit is much shorter. The Texas Tort Claims Act sets a deadline of just 6 months for a notice of claim to be served to the appropriate agency. Depending on the location of the motorcycle accident, the time limit may be even shorter. Claims against the City of Houston, for instance, must be made within 90 days.

These time limits demonstrate the importance of seeking legal counsel as soon as possible after a motorcycle accident. Although the majority of accident claims are resolved through out-of-court settlements, it may be necessary to file a lawsuit to recover the compensation you deserve. You do not want to miss the opportunity to recover damages, and a motorcycle accident lawyer can ensure that all legal deadlines are met.

How Long Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Take?

First, it is important to note that it may be unnecessary to file a lawsuit to recover compensation after a motorcycle accident. In fact, most accident claims are settled out of court with no need to file suit.

That said, filing a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company does not automatically result in compensation. The insurer may deny your claim or make a low-ball settlement that does not adequately cover your damages.

An experienced lawyer can handle negotiations with the insurance company on your behalf. Though it may take weeks or months to reach a fair settlement (depending on factors such as the evidence in your case, the willingness of the insurance company to negotiate, etc.), claims are generally resolved faster when you have an attorney.

In the event that the insurance carrier will not compensate you fairly, you and your lawyer can discuss filing a motorcycle accident lawsuit. Accident claims can take months or, in some cases, more than a year to move through the crowded court dockets. However, when fair compensation for your injuries is on the line, it is worth exploring all available options.

Choose Houston Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Patrick Daniel Law for Your Injury Case

One of the most frustrating facets of any motorcycle accident is how quickly insurance companies place the blame on the biker. Passing the buck is standard operating procedure when anyone files a claim, but the insurance companies will always try to paint the motorcyclist as the one who is at fault for the crash. If they offer a settlement at all, it will almost certainly be nowhere close to covering your expenses.

At Patrick Daniel Law, we make it a priority to be the voice for accident victims who would otherwise be taken advantage of by the insurance companies. We stand up for you through the entirety of your case.

This begins at your free case evaluation. You will tell your story to our team so we can understand the overall impact of the motorcycle accident on your life: not just the financial expenses but the emotional toll and the effects on your family.

If you decide to hire us, our attorneys and staff will fully investigate the accident. We will also calculate the damages you may be entitled to based on the economic and non-economic losses you have suffered.

After issuing this demand to the insurance company, we will handle the hard work of negotiations and other activities so you can focus on recovering. We will continually provide you with updates on your case, and you can contact us any time with questions or concerns.

Many motorcycle accident cases settle before they make it to the courtroom, but our goal is to get you the most money possible. Whether that comes from a settlement or a verdict attained at trial, we are prepared to do what is best for you and your family.

How Much Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Cost?

At Patrick Daniel Law, your initial consultation is free. In addition, you do not pay attorneys’ fees until we achieve a favorable result in your motorcycle accident case.

This is known as a contingency fee agreement, and it is an essential component of personal injury law.

If lawyers charged accident victims upfront fees or required ongoing payment during the course of the case, they would have very few clients. Legal bills are the last thing someone who is seriously injured and unable to work needs.

With contingency fees, your attorney doesn’t get paid until you do. This relieves the burden of upfront payment, enabling you to seek qualified legal guidance without having to be concerned about how hiring a motorcycle accident attorney will affect your finances.

Frequently Asked Questions

After a motorcycle accident, do not delay in seeking medical attention, even for minor injuries, as injuries may not be immediately apparent, and documentation is vital for your claim. However, it’s crucial to avoid admitting fault or discussing the accident with other parties beyond exchanging essential information.

Refrain from giving recorded statements to insurance companies without consulting a Houston motorcycle accident lawyer. Also, avoid posting accident details or conversations with insurers on social media, as these can be used against you.

Texas operates under a modified comparative fault system. According to the Texas Civil Practices & Remedies Code § 33.001, you may be up to 50% at fault in the accident and still receive some compensation for your losses. Your recovery will be adjusted by the percentage you are at fault. Though you may be able to recover a portion of your losses even if you’re partially at fault, you don’t want to be assigned more of the fault than you are actually responsible for.

Read More: Who Is At Fault in Most Motorcycle Accident?

Consult a Houston motorcycle accident attorney promptly after an accident. Experienced legal professionals understand the true value of your claim. They can gather the appropriate evidence and negotiate effectively to secure fair compensation for your injuries and losses.

2021’s Crash Stats reveals that 67% of motorcycle fatalities occur in urban locales, where traffic congestion and intersections elevate the risk. Busy streets, frequent stops, and increased interactions with other vehicles contribute to the heightened accident rate in these areas.

Meanwhile, 35% of motorcycle accident fatalities take place at intersections. Intersections are often ground zero for driver’s frustrations and aggression. Motorcyclists can be overlooked due to their compact size, even more so when there are distracted and rushed drivers at the wheel. Surprisingly, only 8% of motorcycle fatalities occur on interstates.

Firstly, never ride without appropriate safety gear, including a helmet. Helmets drastically reduce the risk of fatal injuries. It is estimated that the risk of death is reduced by 42% and the risk of suffering a head injury is reduced by 69% when you wear a helmet.

Secondly, avoid reckless and aggressive driving, especially splitting lanes, exceeding speed limits, and driving under the influence. These actions substantially elevate the chances of accidents and severe injuries. In 2021, 29% of all fatal motor vehicle accidents were related to speeding, and 29% of motorcycle riders killed that year were alcohol-impaired.

In the unfortunate event of an accident, a Houston motorcycle accident lawyer stands as a dedicated ally, ensuring your legal rights are upheld and assisting in obtaining just compensation.

No, 80% of motorcycle accidents do not result in death, but they do have a higher fatality rate compared to other vehicle accidents. While it’s a misconception that 80% of motorcycle accidents are fatal, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) statistics do show that 80% of motorcycle accidents result in injury or death.

Lack of protection makes motorcyclists vulnerable to severe, life-altering injuries in a crash. In fact, the NHTSA estimates that motorcyclists are 24 times more likely than passenger vehicle occupants to die in a motor vehicle accident.

A headache after a motorcycle accident is a serious symptom that should not be ignored. It may indicate a traumatic brain injury (TBI), concussion, or other significant issues.

During a motorcycle crash, riders are vulnerable to head trauma due to impacts with vehicles, the road, or other objects. Even a minor accident can exert enough force to jolt the brain within the skull, leading to a concussion or more severe brain injury.

Symptoms of a potential brain injury post-accident include:

  • Persistent headaches
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Balance problems
  • Sensitivity to light or sound
  • Exhaustion
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Vision issues
  • Memory difficulties
  • Sleep changes
  • Difficulty concentrating

After a motorcycle accident, seeking immediate medical attention for a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate diagnostic tests is imperative. Moreover, consult a Houston motorcycle accident lawyer to explore your legal options for compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering associated with the accident.

It is crucial to be cautious about sleeping after a motorcycle accident. While you might feel the need to rest, sleeping can be risky if you have sustained a head injury or concussion, conditions that may not be immediately apparent. Medical professionals often advise staying awake and under observation for a period after a head injury to monitor symptoms and prevent complications.

Medical evaluation is essential for diagnosing and treating injuries post-accident. Seeking medical treatment is also critical to your claim. Documentation of your injuries and adherence to medical advice will support the pursuit of compensation for your losses.

We understand that it is difficult to think about these details when you’ve just been through a traumatic accident. Having a dedicated and passionate Houston motorcycle accident attorney by your side will alleviate these stressors while you are trying to heal.

Read More: Why You Need a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

The most common type of motorcycle accident involves a collision with another vehicle, often occurring at intersections. According to the NHTSA, in multi-vehicle motorcycle accidents, about 42% of the incidents resulted from the other vehicle “turning left while the motorcycle was going straight, passing, or overtaking a vehicle.” Other frequent motorcycle accident types include speed-related crashes and single-vehicle accidents.

Contact Our Houston Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Today

If you need legal assistance after a motorcycle accident, Patrick Daniel Law is here to help. We are trial lawyers, which means we will exhaust every avenue – including going to court – in pursuit of justice in your case.

Please call (713) 999-6666 or contact us online for your FREE case review. Our law firm serves clients throughout the state of Texas.

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